May 22, 2017

We take Nature for granted. We have completely lost touch with our natural sides that helps keep us balanced. So I created a little visual floral heaven to bring some colour and vibrancy home this summer. Its bright, bold and obvious but isn’t that what nature and its beauty is all about.

I am inspired by the kindness and beauty that nature is. Have you ever hugged a tree or lay on the ground absorbing the elements of earth. Please put this on your bucket list “Hug a tree” kiss a flower.

 Coming back to the print, we have a strict screening policy. Its done by my furry pets.They double up as my models.So while we were shooting this stunning fabric we had our models  who refuse to leave. It took a gentle request to get Finn my handsome boy to move but my madam Fuzz Face is quite aware of her stunning looks. Yes we had to lift her off the set physically.. modesty is certainly not her virtue. 


